How Arctic People Live in the cold

What Why And How

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How Arctic People Live in the cold

The Arctic Circle is one of those places. Average temperatures in the summer hover around 50° F, and in the winter they can drop below -50°F in many places. Hare in this video we talk about the arctic people whose live in cold.

The extreme Arctic climate makes the region a forbidding place to travel and a challenging place to live. Even so, people have found ways to explore and live in the Arctic. Indigenous peoples have lived in the Arctic for thousands of years. Explorers, adventurers, and researchers have also ventured into the Arctic to explore its unique environment and geography.

Eight nations circle the Arctic Ocean, infusing it with stories and expertise. A bond with the land is a theme of Arctic life, though Iceland—a verdant dot in the middle of the Gulf Stream—is a far cry from Nunavut, Canada, where sea ice is the main highway for many people.

The human journey plays out one person at at time. By following recommendations, wherever they lead, our path takes us into the unexpected, where ideas about ice, wilderness, and polar bears are challenged by stories of creativity, industry, and individuality.

Many people in the Arctic today live in modern towns and cities, much like their neighbors to the south. People also work in the Arctic, extracting oil and gas from rich deposits beneath the permafrost, working in tourism, or conducting research. Other people in the arctic still live in small villages much the way their ancestors did.

Arctic people today face many changes to their homes and environment. Climate change is causing sea ice to melt and permafrost to thaw, threatening coastal villages with bigger storms and erosion. And the declining sea ice means that the Arctic Ocean could open up for commercial shipping or tourist cruises.

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